Terms & Conditions

Last updated: Summer 2023

Thank you for choosing to work with Andrea Rippon and Stronger Relationships.


As part of the requirements of my insurance, you are asked to formally consent to the work we will be doing together. By booking a Service in your name, you (‘the Client’) is agreeing to work with Andrea Rippon on the date and time you have chosen, for an amount which will have been previously agreed. This will be our Contract.


  • Coaching and Mentoring
  • Ask Andrea
  • Online Courses (to follow)


You will be invoiced in advance for the Service you have booked and payment of your invoice will indicate your consent to this Contract. This includes agreeing to the terms and conditions below, so please take the time to read them. You will receive your Service once you have consented to work with me by paying your invoice in full.

Terms and Conditions


Andrea Rippon, and any person engaged by Stronger Relationships (in connection with this Contract), shall treat all Information belonging to the Client as confidential, safeguard it accordingly and only use such Confidential Information for the purposes of this Contract.

The exception to this is:

  1. where the Client to whom the information relates has consented;
  2. where disclosure is necessary to safeguard the Client, or others, or is in the public interest (eg. activities that may endanger others); or
  3. where there is a legal duty to do so (eg. court order).

The Client may also be referred to anonymously by Andrea Rippon in the context of Professional Supervision. The supervision relationship is, in itself, a confidential relationship.

For Clients under 16 and Vulnerable Adults

If you are booking on behalf of a child, young person or vulnerable adult, you are the Client with whom I will be contracting with, and your consent will relate to the person for whom you are acting.

Andrea Rippon will have an up to date (refreshed every 3 years) DBS Certificate. Consent must be given by a parent/guardian for the child/vulnerable adult to be in the sole custody of Andrea Rippon for the purpose and duration of the Contract outlined.


Stronger Relationships can provide the Client with copies of any insurance certificates, including professional indemnity, employers’ liability and public liability insurance following a written request from the Client.


Professional Membership

Andrea Rippon is an Accredited Member of the Association for Coaching (No: 68553289) and works in accordance with the AC Global Code of Ethics.


Coach and Mentor Service, and Ask Andrea: Fees are non-refundable if you cancel within 24 hrs. Fees will be fully refundable if I cancel within 24 hours. Appointments can be rescheduled, if the Client informs me in writing (text or email) and gives me more than 24 hours’ notice. In these instances, the ‘Contract’ will also transfer.

Online Courses (to follow)

  1. You have the right to cancel the service you have booked, within 30 days of the service, on condition that you have not used the Service in any way whatsoever. Your cancellation needs to be made in writing, by email or text. On receipt of this, all monies will be refunded.
  2. if the service you have booked is starting in less than 30 days’ time, you will lose your right to cancel. You will have the right to transfer your booking (your original consent to the ‘Contract’ will also transfer).
  3. if Stronger Relationships cancels due to illness/personal emergency, all efforts will be made to transfer the booking, or full monies will be refunded.

Thank you for reading this. Your Service will be confirmed by email and you will be invoiced shortly.